Eyebrow Lamination & Eyelash Tinting

Enhance Your Eyebrows & Eyelashes

Step up your game with our Eyebrow Lamination and Eyelash Tinting services at Prelux Beauty Studio, Albuquerque, NM. Our expert aestheticians meticulously work to create fuller, well-defined eyebrows and beautifully tinted lashes, amplifying the natural beauty of your eyes. These treatments not only enhance your eye appeal but also add depth to your overall facial features. With results that look natural yet striking, these services are perfect for those seeking a low-maintenance, lasting solution for captivating eyes.

A woman is getting her eyebrows done by a makeup artist.

Understanding Eyebrow Lamination & Eyelash Tinting

Eyebrow Lamination and Eyelash Tinting are cosmetic procedures designed to enhance the fullness and color of your eyebrows and eyelashes.

Eyebrow Lamination is a process that changes the texture and direction of your brow hair to give the appearance of fuller, more defined eyebrows. It's an ideal treatment for those with thinning or irregularly shaped brows, providing a smooth, uniform look.

Eyelash Tinting involves applying a safe, semi-permanent dye to your lashes, giving them a darker, more pronounced look. It's a great option for those who have lighter colored lashes or for anyone looking to add definition to their eyes without the use of mascara.

At Prelux Beauty Studio, these treatments begin with a consultation where we discuss your expectations and desired results. For Eyebrow Lamination, we start by applying a cream that softens the hair, making them more pliable. We then brush the brows into your preferred shape and apply a neutralizer to keep them in place. The process for Eyelash Tinting involves applying the dye from root to tip of your lashes, letting it sit for a few minutes, and then washing it off. 

Our skilled aestheticians ensure the procedures are performed safely and effectively, leaving you with stunning, natural-looking results.

Benefits Of Eyebrow Lamination & Eyelash Tinting

Unveil the power of enhanced eyes with our Eyebrow Lamination and Eyelash Tinting services at Prelux Beauty Studio. Designed to give a fuller, well-defined look to your eyebrows and a darker, more voluminous appearance to your lashes, these treatments offer a significant enhancement to your natural beauty.

  • Enhanced Appearance

    Eyebrow lamination and eyelash tinting are transformative beauty treatments that amplify your natural features. Eyebrow lamination works by altering the texture and direction of the brow hair, resulting in a uniform, fuller look that accentuates your face's natural structure. Simultaneously, eyelash tinting adds depth to your lashes, making them appear longer, thicker, and more voluminous. 

  • Saves Time in Daily Makeup Routine

    The beauty of eyebrow lamination and eyelash tinting lies in their ability to simplify your daily makeup routine, saving you precious time every day. With these treatments, you wake up to perfectly shaped brows and naturally darkened lashes. This eliminates the need for daily eyebrow shaping and mascara application, freeing up your mornings and reducing the hassle of makeup removal at the end of the day. 

  • Long-Lasting Beauty Enhancement

    Enjoy the convenience of semi-permanent beauty with our Eyebrow Lamination and Eyelash Tinting services. These treatments provide durable results that typically last between four to six weeks, offering an extended period of enhanced beauty. This longevity significantly reduces the need for regular touch-ups, making it a time-saving beauty solution.

  • Safe and Non-Invasive Procedures

    Experience significant beauty enhancements without the need for invasive procedures with our Eyebrow Lamination and Eyelash Tinting services. Both treatments are non-invasive and pose minimal risks, especially when performed by our trained professionals at Prelux Beauty Studio. We prioritize your safety and satisfaction, ensuring each procedure is carried out meticulously and with the utmost care. 

  • Customizable to Personal Preference

    Our Eyebrow Lamination and Eyelash Tinting services are highly customizable, allowing you to dictate the intensity of your results. Whether you're seeking a bold, dramatic look that makes a statement, or you prefer a subtle, natural enhancement for an everyday glow, we can adjust these treatments to achieve your desired look. 

A woman is getting her eyebrows done by a woman wearing pink gloves.

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about your beauty needs with our detailed FAQ section. We've answered key questions about our Eyebrow Lamination and Eyelash Tinting services at Prelux Beauty Studio, offering valuable insights to empower your decisions. Let's explore and transform together.

  • How long do the results of Eyebrow Lamination and Eyelash Tinting last?

    The results of both Eyebrow Lamination and Eyelash Tinting are semi-permanent and can typically last between four to six weeks. However, the exact duration can vary from person to person, depending largely on individual hair growth cycles and how diligently the aftercare instructions are followed. Factors such as the rate of your natural eyelash growth or how quickly your eyebrow hairs reset to their natural state can influence how long the effects of the treatments last. 

    At Prelux Beauty Studio, we provide clear aftercare guidance to help you prolong the results. Additionally, we offer touch-up appointments that can be scheduled to maintain the look once you notice the effects starting to fade. Our aim is to ensure that your beautifully defined brows and dark, striking lashes last as long as possible, enhancing your natural beauty with minimal maintenance. With the right care, you can enjoy the stunning effects of these treatments for weeks on end.

  • Are Eyebrow Lamination and Eyelash Tinting safe?

    Absolutely, when conducted by trained professionals, both Eyebrow Lamination and Eyelash Tinting procedures are generally considered safe. At Prelux Beauty Studio, we place client safety at the forefront of our services. Our skilled aestheticians have extensive experience in performing these treatments and are well-versed in the proper techniques to ensure a safe application. We use only high-quality, safe, and tested products for both treatments. 

    Furthermore, we adhere to stringent hygiene standards and protocols to ensure a clean, sanitized environment for our clients. It's important to us that you not only enjoy the aesthetic results of these treatments but also feel confident in the safety and care with which they're performed. During your consultation, we will discuss the process in detail and address any concerns you may have, ensuring you're comfortable before proceeding with the treatment. Your safety, satisfaction, and overall positive experience are our top priorities.

  • Where is Prelux Beauty Studio located?

    Conveniently situated for easy access, Prelux Beauty Studio is located at 5500 San Mateo Boulevard Northeast, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87109. We're proud to offer our extensive range of beauty services in a welcoming, serene studio that feels like a retreat from the bustle of everyday life. 

    At Prelux, you'll find state-of-the-art facilities, a comfortable ambiance, and a team of dedicated professionals ready to cater to your beauty needs. Whether you're looking for a routine skincare treatment or seeking to explore new beauty enhancements, we're ideally located to provide top-tier service with convenience. Get the best beauty treatments at our strategically located beauty studio in Albuquerque.

Other Services

Immerse yourself in the range of services offered at Prelux Beauty Studio. We specialize in a variety of treatments, from innovative skincare solutions like Hydrafacial to bespoke beauty enhancements such as Threading, Eyebrow Lamination, and Eyelash Tinting. Each service is thoughtfully designed and executed to meet your unique beauty needs and aspirations. With a perfect blend of advanced techniques and personalized care, we aim to elevate your beauty experience.

A woman is looking at her reflection in a mirror.

Redefine Your Look with Eyebrow Lamination & Eyelash Tinting Today

Embrace a comprehensive beauty experience with Prelux Beauty Studio in Albuquerque, NM. Alongside our Eyebrow Lamination and Eyelash Tinting services, we offer Teeth Whitening for a radiant smile and Sugaring for smooth, hair-free skin. Our expert team is committed to providing you with personalized treatments that enhance your natural beauty, wherever you are.

Whether you're seeking to brighten your smile, remove unwanted hair, or enhance your eyes, we've got you covered. Get in touch today and discover how our suite of professional beauty services can transform your look and boost your confidence

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